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Friday, December 17, 2010

Jerlina Medina Peralta

Jerlina Medina Peralta lives with her father Jerlis Antonio Medina Gomez and her grandmother Balbina Vasquez Gomez.  Jerlina has 1 sister and 2 brothers that live with her mother.  Her parents are divorced.  Her father is a computer analyst.

Jerlina is 4 yrs old and was born 15th Jan 2006.  She goes to school in the afternoons for 3 hours and is in Jr. kindergarten.  She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.  She is in good health.

Her grandmother owns the house Jerlina lives in so they don’t pay rent.  Her father helped with the building of the house, as he has a good job with computers.  There are 8 adults and 5 children living in the house. The house is still cement blocks in some rooms.  It was the only house I saw that had tiles on the floor.